Smiski Sneaking
Body Type:Normal
Found:In corners of a room
Always sneaking and secretly moving. The destination is unknown. Doesn’t like to be found.

Smiski Scared
Body Type:Normal
Found:On top of books or shelves
Smiski that wants to go down but scared to. Always looking down to see what is there.

Smiski Relaxing
Body Type:Chubby
Pose:Stretch Legs
Found:In corners of a room
A Smiski that is full and cannot move. Love to stretch legs while leaning against the wall.

Smiski Lazy
Body Type:Slim
Found:In corners of a room
A Smiski that is always lazy. Too Lazy to even notice Little Lazy Smiski on the top.

Smiski Stuck
Body Type:Chubby
Found:In the gap between things
A Smiski who got stuck on a way to somewhere. It seems that it can not grasp the it’s body size.

Smiski Defeated
Body Type:Slim
Found:In corners of a room
A Smiski that is defeated because it cannot find any favorite corner. Sometimes used as a stepping stone for other Smiski.

Each series has 6 Smiski variations, plus a secret Smiski that is rare to find!
*The secret Smiski are distributed randomly and may not always be included in one assort box.

Smiski come packaged randomly in blind boxes so you won't know which one you'll get until you open the box.