Smiski Kneeling
Body Type:Normal
Found:In corners of a room
Often sits with knees folded. Has a kind heart but is a little awkward showing it in front of other people.

Smiski Climbing
Body Type:Chubby
Found:On top of books, shelves or
seen climbing out from tissue boxes
This Smiski’ s action is too slow. Often spotted trying to climb over things but never quite making it.

Smiski Daydreaming
Body Type:Normal
Pose:Staring into space
Found:Nearby walls
Likes to daydream all day long. Most of the time, this Smiski is lost in it's own world.

Smiski Pushing
Body Type:Slim
Found:Underneath objects and furniture
Always pushing things together to create the perfect hiding spot.

Smiski Peeking
Body Type:Normal
Pose:Peeking through between his legs
Found:In corners of a room
A playful Smiski who likes to look out at the world from an upside down point of view.

Smiski Listening
Body Type:Chubby
Pose:Listening against wall
Found:Nearby walls
Curious about the sounds coming in from next door, this Smiski is always listening in.

Each series has 6 Smiski variations, plus a secret Smiski that is rare to find!
*The secret Smiski are distributed randomly and may not always be included in one assort box.

Smiski come packaged randomly in blind boxes so you won't know which one you'll get until you open the box.