Smiski Hugging Knees
Body Type:Normal
Found:In corners of a room
Always in the corner hugging onto the knees, staring out into the distance pensive in thought.

Smiski Sitting
Body Type:Slim
Found:On top of books or shelves
Often found sitting silently and gazing down at something. Has a wary personality and prefers being alone.

Smiski Looking Back
Body Type:Chubby
Pose:Looking back
Found:In corners of a room
A Smiski that scares easily. When found, it will turn back and stare at you in surprise.

Smiski Lounging
Body Type:Chubby
Found:In corners of a room
A lazy Smiski that likes to lie down and lounge about. Does not like anything that involves moving or exercise.

Smiski Hiding
Body Type:Normal
Found:In gaps and small hidden spaces
Hiding is his specialty. Finds all sorts of spots to hide in. Feels most at home in small, narrow places.

Smiski Peeking
Body Type:Normal
Found:Nearby walls and in hidden places
Always hunched over and peeking in from the corner. Needs to gather up courage before approaching anything.

Each series has 6 Smiski variations, plus a secret Smiski that is rare to find!
*The secret Smiski are distributed randomly and may not always be included in one assort box.

Smiski come packaged randomly in blind boxes so you won't know which one you'll get until you open the box.