Smiski Shampooing
Body Type:Normal
Found:In corners of a bath tub
Smiski trying to copy how to shampoo while sitting in the corner.

Smiski Not Looking
Body Type:Chubby
Pose:Not Looking
Found:In corners of a bath room
Very shy Smiski that doesn’t know where to look but sometime sneaks through the hands.

Smiski Scrubbing
Body Type:Normal
Found:In corners of a bath tub
Smiski that loves to scrub each other. It seems that it will continue until Smsiki Little is satisfied.

Smiski With Duck
Body Type:Normal
Pose:Holding Duck toy
Found:In corners of a bath room
A Smiski that wants to play with Duck in the bath tub but scared to do so. Looks little bit sad.

Smiski Dazed
Body Type:Slim
Found:In corners of a bath room
A Smiski relaxing and enjoying the bath. Maybe it stayed too much inside the hot tub and became slim.

Smiski Looking
Body Type:Normal
Pose:Looking from corner
Found:In corners of a bath room
A Smiski that saw bath room for the first time and is very surprised. Thinks that it is biggest discovery of this century.

Each series has 6 Smiski variations, plus a secret Smiski that is rare to find!
*The secret Smiski are distributed randomly and may not always be included in one assort box.

Smiski come packaged randomly in blind boxes so you won't know which one you'll get until you open the box.